Small - 20 Roses
Medium 30 Roses
Large 40 Roses
X Large - 50 Roses
The perfect choice to make that person you love smile, this bouquet is fashioned with pastel tones of pink seasonal roses.
These flowers arrive in a Parisian styled pink box, creating a beautiful present. This box of flowers is ideal for an anniversary, a romantic occasion, or a special birthday. These roses give you the perfect way to celebrate.
Our elegant flower box which is neatly arranged in spherical dome comes with a lid and can be used as beautiful keepsakes or home décor after the flowers have faded.
Ideal For:
Mother’s Day, Anniversaries, Birthdays, I Love you, Get Well Wishes, Newborn and Thank you gifts.
Small - 20 Roses
Medium 30 Roses
Large 40 Roses
X Large - 50 Roses
Sameday Delivery Available for orders placed by 11:30am.
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